Tomorrow-Sept 1st, 2011 marks the TEN year anniversary that we said I do! I can't believe its been 10 years. It seems longer and shorter all at the same time. I love you Jason
Something we never got for Drew-a toddler bed! Drew "lucked" out-he jumped right into QUEEN! However, with the fear of tiny house and a shared room we opted to bring a toddler bed over for Liam. Liam has been getting out of his crib/pack in play since our trip to OHIO in May. He has been sleeping on mattress on the floor or travel cot since mid June. Needless to say-I think he was thrilled to have a "real" bed! Might I also had that that mattress is going to have a long life-six years of use!!! BARGAIN!
Liam is like what in the heck I have to wear this!
Rain Coats and Umbrellas! We arrived in MONSOON season. Something to adjust too. I think they said they had 22 48 hours? REALLY! The "umbrella" is new and Drew loves it!
I can not believe that four years has passed since our little man made his suprise and long entry into this world. He is the most sweet-sensitive(overly) kinda when he wants to be-little man(most days) and I am so glad he was born to Jason and I.