Happy Halloween! Mom says I can't have any of that candy she bought..maybe next year! The shiny wrappers are exciting though! And they make this fun crinkle noise..I like this day already! Next year I might want to pick my own costume out!!!
Drew out in the cold supporting Daddy and the USMC!!!! Run Daddy RUN!
This is Drew minutes before the race!
Jason minutes before the race started! Ready and excited..I think I was more nervous then he was!
Starting lines...
Jason blew bast Drew and myself at mile 11. He is again right there in his black shirt and white hat..not another great shot but its hard to capture them!
Jason at mile 25...he is the black shirted man in the middle of the photo! I couldnt get the camera to take the picture til it was too late!
Not a great photo but you can see that its the traditional Eagle, Globe and Anchor.
Jason happy to be done and home.
Jason finished his first marathon in 3 hours 42 mins and 43 seconds! NOT BAD JASON!! Congrats baby!
This feels alot like jail.. Drew finally got his own bed. First time we put him in it he looked up at it and started crying! SO funny..but not really! He has since warmed up to it and doesnt cry! THANK GOODNESS!
Mom and Dad took me on up to Hooters! For the wings of course! YEAH RIGHT! All the ladies got in this photo for me! So much attention for one little man!