We made it safely to Korea!! We left our beautiful city of Temecula around 10ish on Monday July 25th-returned our rental and boarded a plane bound for Seattle, Washington at 148Pm. We arrived around 5ish in Seattle and traveled to our lovely Doubletree Hotel where yes we did get some delish chocolate chip cookies! We found an amazing Thai place called MANGO across the street that was so good I sorta wish I lived in Seattle! We had to be up super early for check in on our Patriot Express flight so off to bed we went with full bellies! We were up again at 245-did we even sleep? And checked back in at 4AM for our flight to Seoul...oh but wait! They forgot to mention we did have stop in Japan! So we flew to Japan-misery misery misery-and then arrived at little base in Japan where we sat in more misery for roughly three hours in one small space with everyone else waiting to fly onto Osan, South Korea. We got on our last leg at I don't even know what time but it was 1 hour 37 min flight of which we all slept 1 hour 34 mins I am certain! We arrived in Osan, South Korea on Wed night about 5 PM. Took FOREVER to get our bags-ask Jason he will agree! We were met by lovely sponser Jim and an Army driver for all our bags. Took another 2 hours to drive to our base called Yongsan Army Garrison. We checked into our hotel and went to bed!!! SO TIRED!! The boys were okay considering but my patience was shot with lack of sleep. Luckily their Daddy had more then me and dealt with Liam are trouble maker way more then me!
Its Sunday night now and since we have been here we have checked out three houses-one of which we will secure tomorrow and "order" our furniture to be delivered the day before we move in. I was so happy we were going to be allowed to get three bedrooms not just two. Causing me great concern and fret-and yes for nothing! Its basic housing-no frills-but it will be enough space for us and even have play area for the boys! With a door!! I can shut them in there to cook dinner and they are right in front of me! I think we will be happy here and even if I know there are days where I will be homesick and miss America I am going to try and remember how I felt last year alone with the boys who were missing their Daddy so much! Two years to be a family-get re connnected-get date nights and Daddy time. I am certain after two years here I will want them back and be sad to leave. Knowing in our future is more time away from Jason. The daddy they adore. For two years here we might not have American luxuries or hulu.com. BUT we will have Daddy/Jason. Thats far better. Keep checking! I will update-I hope-way more then I have in the last years when we were busy busy busy!
Love to you all and thanks for checking in!