Tomorrow-Sept 1st, 2011 marks the TEN year anniversary that we said I do! I can't believe its been 10 years. It seems longer and shorter all at the same time. I love you Jason
Something we never got for Drew-a toddler bed! Drew "lucked" out-he jumped right into QUEEN! However, with the fear of tiny house and a shared room we opted to bring a toddler bed over for Liam. Liam has been getting out of his crib/pack in play since our trip to OHIO in May. He has been sleeping on mattress on the floor or travel cot since mid June. Needless to say-I think he was thrilled to have a "real" bed! Might I also had that that mattress is going to have a long life-six years of use!!! BARGAIN!
Liam is like what in the heck I have to wear this!
Rain Coats and Umbrellas! We arrived in MONSOON season. Something to adjust too. I think they said they had 22 48 hours? REALLY! The "umbrella" is new and Drew loves it!
I can not believe that four years has passed since our little man made his suprise and long entry into this world. He is the most sweet-sensitive(overly) kinda when he wants to be-little man(most days) and I am so glad he was born to Jason and I.
We spent the first couple weeks here in Korea without much to do-rain outside-no toys inside-made for long days...a nice new neighbor(new herself) let out boys play with some of her sons toys and they loved the Army men! I have seen this toy bucket (fromtoystory) at Target many times and always said oh god all those pieces..but they really did enjoy them! ;)
We have tried to get out and explore this new (large) city. This picture was on the way to this little market-that turned out to be junk mostly-but the fresh pineapple sticks were amazing! Liam agrees!!
what will be living room...what you see is what we have for now :( bummer!!!!!!
We (or I) were really stressed last few months as some people made it sound as if upon arrival it would be hard to get base housing and if we did it would only be 2 bedrooms. I have been spoiled living in our awesome house-with huge garage and multiple storage areas to start fearing the worst. Toys everywhere-boys who are not on same sleep schedule screaming all the time-and also did I mention my OCD husband who would be going crazy with everything just crammed together? I was freaked. But we got here and with not a moments problems were shown three three bedroom places. We picked on in Itaewon Acres. It still doesnt feel like home as we dont have our "stuff" to make it seem like yes we really are living here for two more years. Hopefully in Sept. But til then here is some pics...