Well we have FINALLY put up our tree! We opted for the fake tree this year so as less dry pine needles to clean up. We did get some real garland to decorate around the house! Smells sorta like a real tree in the house that way. We did not put a tree up at all last year so this is the first time Drew has had a tree to play with in the house. Fun for us-"No" every five minutes! Of course we put the breakable ones much higher outta his reach..or so we think! We are currently lacking a topper...must have lost or tossed the other one we had. It wasnt that memorable anyway!

Mostly he loved the lights. He had been playing with a strand for the last week. I am surprised they worked after him playing with them for the last week.

Not a great shot but kinda cool...

Again a horrible shot but you can kinda see how much fun he had by his face!

Such a little helper..esp when it comes to helping Daddy!

Mom made a post...only cause I had to ask! :) ( he has been in alot of posts lately half naked huh!)
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