Sunday, May 20, 2007

Our Aussie Goodbye!

Well it is with much sadness that I write this final post from Australia. I must say at times I never thought this day would come and now that it is here I have bittersweet tears. We have honestly had a "once in a lifetime" oppurtunity over here and we will never forget not just the places we went but more importantly the friends we have made. It is the times we spent with you all that we will take with us and remember when we look back at our time "Down Under."

Belly LOVE!

Think this is a shot that gets all of Jasons loves in one frame..the USMC name, our baby bump and JEN! :) Not any order of importance... :) As an update we have the movers coming on May 30th and 31st. We are expecting to fly out of country on June 12th but so far are awaiting our tickets...more details when we know of them ourselves! Love to you all!