Saturday, November 24, 2007

Daddy and Drew napping...

Dad and Drew were giving Mom some time to nap on friday! Little did MOM know there was more comfy napping going on downstairs! I awoke to find these two cuddling on our couch...they slept for over two hours! Couldnt be a cuter site in the world...

This thing called BUMBO...

Dad is always trying to mooch on my limelight...

First time I got to try out my Bumbo seat! Thanks Bree and Eric!

My lil boys room!

Well after a long while, months in fact, we finally have
little boy furniture for our Drew man! At first he didnt like the bed...I have a video of that somewhere..but now he enjoys his baby room, well as much as a baby enjoys a bed!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Aunt Liz and Miss Anna Visit!!!

Drew, Aunt Liz and Jason
hamming it up for the camera... Cuddles from Miss Anna

ahhh...too cute!

I'm sad Aunt Liz has to go...

Jason and I were happy to meet Aunt Liz and her friend Anna this past weekend. We had a nice weekend and look foward to hanging out again! Drew loved "talking" to the ladies and loved the company in the back seat! ( I only have the pics from when they were leaving and none from the rest of the weekend as my camera was not working..more later!)

Ribbit Ribbit

Look at me I have four eyes!!
Thanks Aunt Liz for my cutie towel! I love it!!!

Colors of FALL!

The above picture is us driving down the road out of our housing complex.

Well the weather has turned cold! The leaves are turning their last shades of color. I have to say as an adult I appreciate the beauty of it way more then I did as a child, BUT, having said that I want Summer to come back already! :)

Friday, November 16, 2007

Drew in his spa treatment..

Drew very much enjoys his bath these days. He certainly doesnt look it in the picture but Daddy had done his hair! He is still a bit on the lookout for these things we big people call the "camera" He prob knows these pics will come back to haunt him someday..and he is prob right! Like his hair? I think we need to get some gel...

National Cathedral-Washington D.C.

The National Cathedral. I must confess when we first ventured out to visit here I thought nothing of going really. I mean, I knew it was a "big church" but I didnt know really of its beauty til going in! I want to take every one of our visitors there now. It was amazing!!!
The chair that actually makes it a "cathedral"

Drew thought the Cathedral was a nice take a nap!

This is a window dedicated to the people who serve..if you look closely you can see scenes from wars..and all along the sides are medals. Very cool window that you see more the more you look!

This is a window dedicated to space..there is actually a piece of the moon in there! So cool and so beautiful!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Hotel Living is grand!

I loved the comfy bed in the hotel this weekend..too bad I didnt get to sleep in it!

I'm pooped!

So much attention this weekend and I cant even stay awake in my toy! I love all the atttention! Can't wait to see them all again at Christmas!

Can't get enough of Drew!

Grandpa time!!!

Watching OSU with the big boys! GO BUCKS!
I love my Grandpa!!!

Drew Sandwich!

Four Generations in one shot!

Happy Birthday My Marine!