Saturday, June 26, 2010

MyGYM for big boy...little fun for Liam..

Liam enjoyed the turtle til I had to pick him up..for his safety of course! He cant wait to be big and run around like Drew. I want him to enjoy this stage...he doesnt care! He is way crazier then Drew ever was. Standing on everything..even his crib! How long til he tries to get out of the crib-I say two months! He is a handful but full of smiles!!

Our house is a very very fine house...

As many of you know-we are being sued! NOT FUN!! We have been involved with this ordeal since early Dec 2009. It seems it will continue to drag out much longer...court will be in Feb 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are hoping all parties will come to an agreement by mediation by then...which would mean that if all goes well our very very fine house will not be ours anymore. I will enjoy her til then!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wild Animal...Park

Drew's in love with "Ron" (whom we would never have made it through this deployment with out-either Drew or myself!)

He was not overly in low with the play area..too many kids..

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Fathers Day!

To Any Daddy
There are little eyes upon you,
And they're watching day by day;
There are little ears that surely
Take in every word you say;
There are little hands all eager
To do everything you do.
There's a little boy who's dreaming
of the day he'll be like you!
You're that little fellow's idol,
You're the wisest of the wise.
In his little mind, about you
No suspicions e'er arise;
He believes in you devoutly,
Holds that all you say or do
He will say and do, in your way,
When he's all grown up like you.
There's a wide-eyed little fellow
Who believes you're always right;
His keen ears are always open
To catch your words, day or night.
You are setting an example,
Every day, in all you do,
For the little boy who's wanting
to grow up to be like you.
- Isabelle Tucker

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Here comes Trouble!

Liam has figured out where all the "fun" non baby toys are and he can get there and get to them! Momma and Drew are in trouble!!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Drew Cheese!

Drew is just frankly getting way too big for me! He is taller-skinnier-more vocal-full of energy til the late night hour! He is going to be a runner like his Daddy I know it! He loves his brother when he is not trying to run him over with his tricycle!

Liam lounging!

Liam really likes to lay on his side-pretty much all the time! He is now low crawling-bridging-even pulled himself to standing on the toy box about three times! He has a top tooth through the gums and working on the other top tooth! Giggles and smiles most of the day..MOST of the day! He is still wanting to stir around 5ish or 6 and then he wants to be he then ends up wanting to nap so early his brother is barely up!

Out in our hood

Posing for Daddy
Cruising through our neighborhood(and no Liam was only in there for the photo!) Drew has def started enjoying his Jeep!