Thursday, April 22, 2010

Drew's Been Busy!

Drew has been diagnosed with a mild to moderate form(his speech therapist thinks more mild and already making progress) however-mild to moderate form of Childhood Apraxia in addition to an Expressive Language Disorder. This is hard to hear-and also something that we have known for about 9 months. He has a "teacher" Miss Kelli come to our house for an hour once a week. Once a month he has Miss Tamra come for an additional hour. Plus he goes to Speech twice a week for 30 mins with Miss Cynthia. He tolerates most of this rather well and thinks its "play" for the most part. I feel just in the 2 to 3 months he has been getting outside help he has improved greatly! Will hope by the time Jason gets back he might just say "I love you, Daddy"

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Liam Asher is SIX months old!!!

I am updating this after he has had his six month checkup! He is currently weighing in at 18 pounds 5 oz. He is pretty much average weight and height but has a 75% percentile HEAD. This is not news to me really! He is officially on formula 100% within the last week. He didnt miss and beat. He has moved onto getting some rice cereal-sweet peas-carrots-sweet potato and more recently squash! Few more veggies to give it a go then he can try out his sweet teeth! He also has TWO bottom teeth He has started to scoot himself around and pull his belly off the floor! He is keeping me on my toes!!! He loves his big bro and has a smile on is face most of the day! He is missing his Daddy and getting spoiled from his Mommy!!! We love you baby Liam!!!

A little Corn Starch-a little water and a LOT of Fun(and mess!)

Oceanside Beach!!!

Drew's Friend Gracie has come to visit!!!

Exersaucer Round TWO!!

Little feet dont quiet touch!

He sorta thinks its fun! Mom thinks its sorta handy!

Grandma meets Liam!!!

Grandma Crowl came out to visit-FINALLY! :) The boys and I had a fab time with her and as always it was just not long enough!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

When Jason retires...

I think I will work for USPS! :)

Happy Hunting!

Only a few minutes to go...or so they kept saying...
Entertaining himself while we wait...
Everyone was ready...
Drew positioned himself in a spot covered with suckers-his fav-and just picked up as many as his little hands would allow-hilarious!

Liam was bribed with a bottle to behave...
Now he has enough suckers for the rest of the year!