Thursday, April 22, 2010

Drew's Been Busy!

Drew has been diagnosed with a mild to moderate form(his speech therapist thinks more mild and already making progress) however-mild to moderate form of Childhood Apraxia in addition to an Expressive Language Disorder. This is hard to hear-and also something that we have known for about 9 months. He has a "teacher" Miss Kelli come to our house for an hour once a week. Once a month he has Miss Tamra come for an additional hour. Plus he goes to Speech twice a week for 30 mins with Miss Cynthia. He tolerates most of this rather well and thinks its "play" for the most part. I feel just in the 2 to 3 months he has been getting outside help he has improved greatly! Will hope by the time Jason gets back he might just say "I love you, Daddy"

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